Tuesday 6 December 2016

My November Books

Seseorang bisa dibilang bookworm itu kalo udah bisa baca berapa buku dalam setahun sih? Bisa dibilang gw ini sama sekali bukan bookworm, soalnya kalo baca buku itu males-malesan, karena rasanya lebih 'capek' daripada nonton film/tv series. Perlu waktu lebih lama, butuh konsentrasi dan kemampuan berimajinasi yang lumayan, dan mood yang pas. Pokoknya butuh effort deh.

Dulu waktu SMA sih gw seneng banget baca buku, tapi perlu waktu lumayan lama buat menyelesaikan 1 buku. Saat itu belum ada smartphone apalagi social media kan, jadi kalo lagi 'nongkrong' di toilet pasti disambi baca buku. Belom ada Youtube dan Instagram segala apalagi group chat hehehe, jadi bener-bener no distraction.. Jaman itu, rak buku gw lumayan deh penuh dengan buku-buku young adult dan Chicken Soup series. Rak bukunya kecil sih, bukan yang ala ala library gitu. Dalam setahun, mungkin gw bisa baca 5-6 buku.

Monday 5 December 2016

Review - Printing Photos With Snapfish

I take thousands of photos with my phone, and didn't care about printing them until Ghani was born. Thought it was a huge milestone in our family, to have experienced to grow from a family of two to a family of three <3 On the first week of having him around, there were already 200+ more photos stored in my phone. Yes - I'm that kind of mum who take  photos of my baby's toes, ears, him yawning and sleeping.. Times 10.

So I decided to start a family photo album. Most of the time I went to Kmart and Officeworks to print them, but almost always disappointed with the results. It's been inconsistent, on good days I think they turned out okay, but other days the colors were off, paper quality was bad, and I had to hang around the store for extra 20 minutes (on top of the 20 minutes I spent on transferring photos from my phone to their machine using some weird app).