Thursday 27 December 2012

The Best of 2012

Berhubung tahun 2012 udah mau selesai, gw mau bikin list apa-apa aja yang menurut gw the best ah. Mau ngelist milestones tahun ini, kok kayaknya hampir nggak ada, hahaha. Jadi yaaa, mari kita telaah satu persatu:

Best  accomplishment
  • Lolos interview dan keterima kerja di government (July). 2 alasan utama yang bikin gw sangat happy adalah: security and flexibilty yg mereka tawarin. Secure, karena kantor pemerintahan kan hampir (dan jangan sampe) nggak ada downsizing ya - jadi untuk waktu yg sangat lama gw nggak akan merasa perlu untuk cari2 opportunity lain, kecuali di branch atau department lain yg masih government juga. Kantor ini juga sangat fair, walaupun gw bukan orang aussie local, tapi nggak pernah sekalipun gw merasa diperlakukan 'beda'. Flexible nya, jam kerja atur2 aja suka2 kita. Kalo mau pulang cepet ya dateng lah lebih awal, dsb dst. Mereka sangat family oriented, jadi selama alasan kita valid, ada hubungannya sama kepentingan keluarga, mau ambil leave berbulan2 juga ya monggo aja. Alasan kecil2 lainnya, karena deket dari rumah (gw paling nggak betah deh nyetir lama2 di jalan) dan temen2nya baik2 :)

Best holiday
  • Jepang (Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto dan Nara) - Oktober. Pertama kalinya traveling ke luar negeri purely dengan tabungan sendiri, tanpa didampingin orang tua, tanpa ikut tour. Semua di book dan diatur sendiri, menemukan culture yang berbeda, ambience yg jauh lebih menyenangkan daripada Perth. Mudah2an kalo ada rejeki, tahun depan mau holiday lagi, ke tempat yg berbeda tapi. Amin.

Best make-up find
  • Mascara dan eye-liner Kiss Me - Heroine Make. Serem amat ya merk nya ada heroine2 nya, hahaha. Nemu ini waktu di Jepang, ini merk drugstore gitu, jadi harganya ya sangat-sangat reasonable. Mascara nya tahan lama, mau gw keringetan atau nangis2 seharian, tetep nggak luntur sama sekali lhoo, dan bikin bulmat jadi lentiik tik! Eye liner nya jugaa, lancip nya pas dan yes, long lasting sekali. Kalo mau beli, nggak usah harus jauh-jauh ke Japun, beli online di ada kok ;)

Best moment
  • Waktu merencanakan something very-very big and life-changing for me (and lots of other ppl) untuk tahun 2013 :)))

Best tv series
  • Tetep How I Met Your Mother. Apalagi sekarang udah hampir2 ketauan gitu kan, siapa yang ceritanya gimana dan end-up sama siapa, jadi tambah seruuuu. Tetep se-seru2nya HIMYM, tetep nggak ada yang bisa ngalahin Friends sih, hohoho.

Best movie
  •  Skyfall. Nggak tau kenapa, kayaknya ini yang paling berkesan buat gw. Kayaknya banyak sih film bagus thn ini, tapi gw kurang tertarik sama film2 superhero (kayak The Avenger) dan drama2 abg labil (semacam The Perks of Being a Wallflower).

Best book
  • Baca beberapa buku sih, tapi nggak banyak dan.... yang selesai dibaca sampe tamat cuma 2 huahahaha. Sukaan baca majalah sih, the best nya tentu aja Frankie magazine. Artikel2nya gw baca berulang, foto2nya gw liatin satu persatu lamaa banget.

Terus best apa lagi yaa enaknya? Udah keabisan ideeee.. Nanti tambahin lagi ah kalo kepikiran. Mariii, back to makan pudding dingin untuk menghalau panasnya Perth yg mencapai 40C hari ini *lap keringet*

Sunday 2 December 2012


Can you believe it's December alreadyy??? Realising that we're approaching the end of the year, knowing that I've achieved nothing (or haven't done anything spectacular) usually terrifies me. But not this time. Somehow I'm excited to welcoming the new year, my heart's jumping up and down and my hands are widely open to catch whatever next year has to offer.

Anyway, I wanna show you some pictures from November. I think it's easier to share lots of things through pictures, beacause... you know, I'm not good with words. Besides, "picture speaks louder than words", they say.

I have a bad habit of being too lazy to wake up earlier in the morning to make my own breakfast. This is my attempt in breaking that habit, which turned out to worked for only 2 days! I woke up early to spread mascarpone cheese on toast, topped with banana, oats and honey. Tastes good, but I felt hungry again the moment I stepped my feet at the office, so I had to buy something from the canteen. I would rather pack my yoghurt with oat bran and oats to work so I can eat it whenever I feel hungry before lunchtime. Breakfast at home just not my thing.

Love this new seating area in the city

The weather has gone crazy. We had rains and storm and hail in summertime!

Yusuf visiting my parents in Jakarta <3
He spent FIVE hours on the road juggling with the traffic! What a mission!
(ps. It only took him 4 hours for the flight from Perth to Jakarta --__--)

Christmas light show in the city

Had yumcha on Dara's birthday. Nyaammm :)

December smells like holiday, although we only have 2 days off. Well, 3 for me, beacuse I'm off to Jakarta on the 31st to celebrate the new years with my family! Woohoooo, sooo excited!!